Ask Meister AI

Who can use this feature?

👤 All team members 
🚩 Available on all plans. Please note, the plans have the following usage allowance:
      - Basic teams: 20 prompts / month
      - Pro teams: 75 prompts / month
      - Business teams: 350 prompts / month
      A prompt is a message that you use to get a response from Meister's AI. It might be a question, statement, or command.

Who can disable this feature?

👤 Only team administrators
🚩 Available on Business plans

Ask Meister AI
is an AI-powered search feature that retrieves information from your notes and the Note Help Center to provide answers to your questions and concise summaries of your team's shared documentation.

What is "Ask Meister AI?"

Ask Meister AI is an AI-powered search feature that complements the capabilities of traditional search functions.

Ask Meister AI retrieves information from your notes and the Note Help Center to provide answers to your questions and/or concise summaries of your team's shared documentation.

Enable Ask Meister AI

To unlock the feature for your team, you must have created (or been invited to) at least three different notes.

To use Ask Meister AI:

  1. Click Ask Meister AI in the lower-left corner of your screen.
  2. Enter a question about the content in your notes, or select one of the suggested questions.


Tips for Using Ask Meister AI

To get the most effective and accurate answers from Ask Meister AI, consider these essential tips:

  • Always phrase your requests as direct questions.
    ❌ Look and find Q3 goals.
    What are the company's Q3 goals?

  • In your questions, try not to refer to notes or sub-notes — instead, ask direct questions about the content contained in them.
    ❌ What does the "blog relaunch" note say about due dates?
    ✅ What happened in the August 2023 blog meeting?

  • Avoid asking Meister AI about meta-information in your notes (e.g. titles, formatting details, or note hierarchies).
    ❌ How many pages are in the note "Meetings?"

  • If you're looking for a specific note or document, use Note's traditional search function.

What Machine Learning (ML) Models Does Meister AI Use?

Meister AI utilizes three machine learning models:

  • A semantic search model built by Meister
  • Models from Google
  • Models from Open AI

Information processed by Meister AI will not be used by these third-party providers to train or improve its models.

For more information, see OpenAI's API data usage policies or Google's Generative AI and Data Governance.

Disable Ask Meister AI For My Team

This feature can only be disabled by users on a business plan. If you are on a team: Only team admins on a business plan can disable this feature.

Business team admins can restrict their team from accessing certain advanced features in MeisterTask and Note, including features which make use of machine learning models.

To set these restrictions:

  1. Visit the team settings page (only available to team administrators).
  2. Select the Permissions tab.
  3. Scroll down to MeisterTask Restrictions and select Edit.
  4. Uncheck the boxes next to the features you'd like to disable.
  5. Click Save changes.


Problem: Ask Meister AI can't find any answer to my questions.

Answer: Try the following tips:
  • Always phrase your requests as direct questions.
    What are the company's Q3 goals?
    ❌ Look and find our Q3 goals.

  • In your questions, try not to refer to notes or sub-notes — instead, ask direct questions about the content contained in them.
    ✅ What happened in the August 2023 blog meeting?
    ❌ What does the "blog relaunch" note say about due dates?

  • Please keep in mind that Ask Meister AI will only search notes you have access to — it cannot search the internet, and so may be lacking sufficient information to answer your question.


Problem: I'm not satisfied with Ask Meister AI's Answers.

Answer: Try rephrasing your question, and be sure to select 👎 to help our system learn!  


Problem: Ask Meister AI freezes is an endless loop and returns no answer.

Answer: Clear your browser cache and cookies.

AI Security and Privacy @ Meister

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