Keyboard Shortcuts

This feature is available to all users

Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly format text and create new content blocks in the note editor. Type / in a note to quickly view block options or see below for a complete list.

Create Content Blocks With Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the key to quickly create new content blocks.


  1. Type a slash (/) into any empty line on your note.
  2. Begin typing your desired content block style (e.g. addfile, mindmap, bold, etc.).
  3. Once the block style you'd like to use is shown, press ENTER.


You can also type /h1, /h2 or /h3 into your note to quickly create header blocks.

Format Text with Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)

You can format highlighted text with keyboard shortcuts similar to other word processors. Simply select a text segment and use the keyboard shortcuts shown here:

Text Style

Keyboard Shortcut (Mac)

Italic text Cmd + I
Bold Text Cmd + B
Strikethrough Cmd + Shift + X
Underlined text

Cmd + U

Code Block Cmd + Shift + C
Highlighted text

Cmd + Shift + H


Format Text with Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)

You can format highlighted text with keyboard shortcuts similar to other word processors. Simply select a text segment and use the keyboard shortcuts shown here: 

Text Style

Keyboard Shortcut (Windows)

Italic text Ctrl + I
Bold Text Ctrl + B
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Underlined text

Ctrl + U

Code Block

Ctrl + Shift + C

Highlight Text

Cmd + Shift + H


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