What Does the “We’ve Upgraded Our Login System” Message Mean?

Recently, we created a new login page for all Meister tools. The new login page is a central entry point for all Meister products that enables faster and easier access to your account settings. You might see the message “We’ve Upgraded Our Login System” if you fail to login with your account.

What’s Going On?

We recently changed our login page to https://accounts.meister.co/. From now on, when you log in to a Meister product, you’ll need to do so via the new domain. You may need to make changes if you use your browser or a password manager so that they remember your credentials for you. 

Sign in via the New Domain

  1. Go to meistertask.com to sign into your Meister account. You’ll be directed to the new meister.co. domain automatically. 
  2. Enter your login credentials manually to sign in. 
  3. (Optional) save your credentials to your browser or password manager. 
  4. (Optional) delete your old mindmeister.com credentials from your browser or password manager.


If you forgot your login details, reset your password using this link: click here   

Data security

Don’t worry — the new Accounts page will not affect your account information or how we handle your data. 




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