Enable Spellchecker

This feature is available to all users

Note's automatic spellchecker underlines potential errors in red and suggests corrections.

To enable spellchecker:

  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the Note interface.
  2. Select Preferences from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Enable spellchecker button until it turns green. Click the button again to disable spellchecker.


Spelling mistakes in your text will be underlined in red. To fix a mistake, click on the underlined word and select the correct spelling from the pop-up menu. You can also add your spelling to your Note dictionary or ignore the proposed correction and remove the red underline. 

Spellchecker not working?

You'll need to write a few lines for spellchecker to detect the language you're using. Don't worry, just keep writing and spellchecker will start to work.

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