Create a Presentation from your Note

This feature is available to all users

Click the presentation icon in the bottom-right corner of the note editor to turn any note into an engaging and beautiful presentation. Use header content blocks to divide between slides.

To create and deliver a presentation:

  1. Open the note you want to present. 


    Structuring Your Notes for Presentations

    Each heading in your note (however small) will become the title of a new slide. Keep this in mind when making a note you're going to present. 

  2. Click the presentation icon in the lower-right corner of the Note interface. Can't see the slideshow icon? Try expanding your browser window.


  3. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate between slides, or hover your mouse over your presentation to access clickable slideshow tools. 
  4. To close your presentation, press the Escape key or click on the Stop icon.


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