Invite Multiple Team Members via CSV Import

This feature is only available to paid team administrators

Administrators of large teams can instantly invite multiple team members at once by importing a properly formatted CSV file to Note.

Simply download a CSV template, enter your colleagues' details and upload your file to the My Team section of Account. Read on to learn more.

Step 1: Prepare a CSV File

  1. Download the sample file.
  2. Open and edit the sample file to include the email, first name, last name and password of the users you'd like to invite. 
  3. Save and close the file.

Step 2: Invite Multiple Members to your Team

  1. Click on your user avatar in the top-right corner of the Note interface. 
  2. Open Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click My Team on the left sidebar. 
  4. Select Import. 
  5. Select the file you prepared and click Import.


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